You are more than welcome though to change the joystick binds as and how you want I personally haven't, but that is because of how I learnt to play the game. Example T1 for switching fire control group, and the 'i' button for engine boost.That is actually the default bind on the X52 pro control scheme. But the HCS binds are goofing up some of my controls. So now in ED I have a new control set option for hcsX52-pro. But I need to learn the most basic at first. Is there an existing cheat sheet for the most common required Astra commands? The profile I imported had almost 1500 commands in total. Or do I need to edit the controls one by one in ED while I have the hcsX52 binds selected? Or can I somehow edit the hcsX52 binds (that is something I'm not sure how to do? Would I edit that in the saitek software?) Do I edit the saitek profile in their editor (create a modified or new profile for the x52pro). But now, what I'm asking is what is the smart way to proceed. I'm very new to ED and the X52 and voice attack. Example T1 for switching fire control group, and the 'i' button for engine boost. Then I copied "HCSPacks X52 Pro.binds" in the proper frontier folder. I installed voiceattack with ASTRA, I imported the "1.6.5 Full House Profile - HOTAS.vap" profile into voiceattack, set VA to active window. So in ED under controls I would select 'Saitek X52 pro' as the control defaults. If the console window is clicked it will pause itself because it is waiting for input so, for it to continue functioning, hit the Esc key.I have ED with an X52-pro. So if you do change any of the locations of those files, just delete the EDX52Settings.txt file that is created in this applications folder and the information will just need to be entered again. The folder location of the journals is C:\Users\User Name\Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous.The default location of the profiles are C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\SmartTechnology Profiles. I named my profile Elite Dangerous so it'll be easy to find. The X52 profile you want to use so your keybindings can carry over.The reason I state 'permanent' is due to how this application finds and reads various files. Creating a separate folder and putting this app in it would be a good idea and also make for easy deletion if needed. Also unzip and put in a 'permanent' location. Grab the latest release version of this app. Information on what is to be displayed on the controller will be provided as a text file separate from the download in the releases section. Using the new Journal functionality of Elite Dangerous with v2.2 The Guardians, extra information can now be displayed on the screen of the X52 controller.